Environmental Research Laboratory specializing in field and laboratory research on the pollution of groundwater, surface water, soil, land and the quality of waste or sewage. Here, field and laboratory tests are carried out to determine the content of metals and heavy metals and metalloidal components in the soil and water environment and the leachability of components using static and dynamic tests. The laboratory conducts research in the field of inorganic pollutants, groundwater, surface water, soil and land, with particular emphasis on mercury. The results of the research work are used to monitor the impact of municipal and industrial waste landfills and the surroundings of communication routes, as well as the impact of various industrial facilities on the natural environment.
Ph.D. Eng. Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS
Division of Environmental Studies and Waste Management
Wybickiego 7A
31-261 Kraków
Phone: +48 607 922 861
E-mail: beatakk@meeri.pl
The Laboratory of Environmental Studies provides research services for state and local government units, business enterprises and scientific units in the field of:
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