HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

The Geothermal Laboratory

The Geothermal Laboratory

has the oldest geothermal installation in Poland, operating since 1993. In this laboratory, on a large scale, scientific research is carried out on the acquisition and management of geothermal energy and on environmentally friendly technological solutions in this field. Research issues include energy-saving construction in the field of installation systems and devices for the production of electricity and heat, optimization of heat pump technology, as well as technologies for the recovery of the low temperature heat, not used for heating houses and apartments. It is worth emphasizing that the employees of our Institute are precursors of the use of geothermal energy for heating. In this laboratory, pilot installations for cascade heat system and a geothermal water desalination test station were built. Specialist software TOUGH, TOUGHREACT, PetraSim are used in the research, enabling modeling of geothermal deposit, HDR systems and binary systems.


Dr. Sc. Eng. Wiesław Bujakowski, prof. MEERI PAS

Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS
Division of Renewable Energy Sources
Wybickiego 7A
31-261 Kraków

Phone: + 48 696 494 629

The scope of research

The MEERI PAS Geothermal Laboratory has been carried out an extensive research in the following fields:

  • Identification of the conditions of the occurrence of geothermal water and energy,
  • Designing geothermal water wells,
  • Supervision and documentation of geological works,
  • Optimization of the geothermal energy uses in various heating systems,
  • Optimization of the environmental effect of geothermal energy management,
  • Assessment of water quality and modification of its composition in the context of its use, including in agriculture, balneotherapy, cosmetology, as drinking water, etc.
  • Assessment of barriers to the wide implementation of geothermal energy in heating systems,
  • Legislative and financial support processes for geothermal energy development.

In particular, we specialize in the following research and implementation works:

  • Research and conducting a full range of works from the identification of hydrogeothermal conditions through the access models and drilling works to the development of documentation enabling the commencement of the exploitation of the geothermal water reservoir,
  • Developing mathematical models of optimal geothermal energy use in specific heat extraction conditions. Licensed specialist software and proprietary IT tools are applied to process and interpret the measurement data,
  • Comprehensive use of geothermal energy and water, as well as the promotion of their management,
  • Geothermal well tests with the possibility of remote recording and processing of measured data, e.g. water flow rate and outflow temperature, as well as the static and dynamic water level,
  • Geothermal water desalination process that enables modeling of the physicochemical properties of cooled geothermal water, with the recovery of permeate that meets the drinking water requirements and for economic purposes, and a concentrate with multidirectional management,
  • Modelling the operation of geothermal reservoirs, EGS / HDR systems, as well as the operating conditions of an energy system applying geothermal energy.

Examples of expertise

  1. Design, implementation and commissioning in 1993 of the first geothermal installation in Poland called “Experimental Geothermal Plant Bańska-Biały Dunajec”,
  2. Program and implementation in 1996–2000 (together with Geotermia Mazowiecka S.A.) of the first in Poland complete reconstruction of the Mszczonów IG-1 well for geothermal purposes,
  3. Substantive and formal cooperation in the launch of geothermal companies PEC Geotermia Podhalańska S.A. and Geotermia Mazowiecka S.A.,
  4. Design and commissioning of the cascaded geothermal heat extraction system at five levels of its use, operating on the secondary circuit of district heating water: 1) district heating network and tap warm water for the MEERI PAS Geothermal Laboratory facilities; 2) wood drying chamber; 3) a greenhouse; 4) a facility for thermophilic fish breeding; 5) foil tunnels for the cultivation of vegetables (at present, the operation of the last two stages of the geothermal cascade is suspended),
  5. Substantive and formal conduct of several dozen geological supervision works, implementation of reservoir tests and documentation of reserves,
  6. Development of Geological Works Projects for several dozen locations and their formal approval,
  7. Development of several applications for financial grants for the implementation of geological works,
  8. Development of several dozen preliminary feasibility studies entitled “Analysis of the occurrence and possibilities of developing geothermal potential”,
  9. Development of atlases, maps, books and scientific articles on the implementation potential of geothermal energy and geothermal waters,
  10. Realization of several dozen research and implementation projects funded by national and foreign sources.

Equipment base