The LEGO (Listening to Enterprises to Get Opportunities) will be realized in 217-2018. The main objective of the project is to offer specific, detailed analysis that will be investigated in order to ...
The EKO-BIONOM project is focused on the fifth thematic area supported under the GEKON Program. The main axis of the project and its genesis is the problem of “zero” recovery of waste and ...
The objective of the project was to raise the knowledge, experience and qualifications of employees of enterprises in the field of global trends and technologies in the sector of waste utilisation, ...
STORM, “Industrial Symbiosis for the Sustainable Management of Raw Materials”, is the EIT KIC Raw Materials Network of Infrastructures project addressed to companies, including SMEs, industrial ...
The aim of this project is the transfer of knowledge, technologies, and good practices in heating in geothermal energy buildings (RES) from Norway and Iceland to Poland. The project has increased the ...
The aim of the project was to determine new applications for waste thermal water; this was achieved through complex and interdisciplinary geothermal, hydrogeological, water purification, ...
The project was focused on issues related to the safety of radioactive waste repositories. The methodology for the assessment of exposure to ionizing radiation within the biosphere in the area of the ...
The main objective of the project was the transfer of knowledge, technologies and best practices between Poland and Iceland in the field of the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in heating ...
The main goal of the project is to develop and implement innovative technology for the production of alternative fuel from municipal waste. This objective is realized through conducting industrial ...
The aim of the project was to raise the qualifications of the employees of the local government units, municipal waste management plants, municipal enterprises, and other entities interested in the ...
The project aims to develop, on the basis of previous experience of entrepreneurs and consortium members, a portable seismic system for subsoil diagnostics for transportation routes. Based on the ...
The project is aimed at developing an innovative support model for social institutions by neutralizing (offsetting) greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2, e.g. in the form of investments in green ...