The work, unique in the context of the Polish coal mining industry, is focused on the implementation of the information system containing the module for the development and management of numerical ...
The main objective of the project was to determine the disposable resources of curative water in the Rudawa drainage basin (Krzeszowice region). A series of field works, including hydrogeological and ...
The main objective was to determine the disposable resources of curative waters in the Wilga drainage basin in two separate regions: Mateczny and Swoszowice areas. The project summarized and analyzed ...
The main objective of the project was to develop the Atlas of the possible use of geothermal waters for combined production of electricity and heat using binary systems in Poland. Bujakowski. (Ed.), ...
The main objective is the assessment of the soil and water environment in the Barycz mining area, in particular in the abandoned Barycz II area, and in the currently operated Barycz III area of the ...
As part of the study, digital maps of the Quaternary bedrock, Cenozoic bedrock, and the thickness of Quaternary formations were created. Each map was prepared for one of the three selected potential ...
The aim of the project was to provide the basis for comparison between international and Polish standards for estimation of resources of solid mineral deposits and to determine the ways to improve ...
The main objective of the project is the verification of the effectiveness of the adjustment of the LOFRES system to monitor spatial changes in the speed of seismic waves in the rock mass which are ...
The project involved the development of assumptions and variants of forecasts of the hard coal and lignite supply in the 2050 perspective. In addition, long-term forecasts of coal prices were also ...
The project focuses on the synthesis of zeolite structures, including, among others, the ZSM-5 type structures from fly ash obtained from bituminous coal. The resulting zeolites will be characterized ...
Project aims to design specific training courses for local requests from time to time investigated in order to support companies, public administration and organizations in the management of ...
The overall objective of MINATURA2020 is to develop a concept and methodology for the definition and subsequent protection of “mineral deposits of public importance” in order to ensure their ...