HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


- international grants national grants selected commercial contracts
- The Division of Economic Geology The Division of Mineral Policy The Division of Mineral Resources Acquisition The Division of Strategic Research The Division of Environmental Studies and Waste Management The Division of Applied Geochemistry and Environmental Engineering The Division of Energy Economics The Division of Fossil Fuels and Energy Market Research The Division of Minerals and Energy Sustainable Development Division of Renewable Energy Sources Division of Renewable Energy Sources The Division of Geodynamics and Environmental Engineering The Division of Geotechnology Division of Biogenic Raw Materials
Okres realizacji: -

(Polski) Projekt PRO-SLO

(Polski) Projekt PRO-SLO

Sorry, this entry is only available in Polski.


Dynamic management of demand, production, resource economy, and coal distribution logistics in an economy implementing a decarbonization energy mix.

Dynamic management of demand, production, resource economy, and coal distribution logistics in an economy implementing a decarbonization energy mix.

Project number: GOSPOSTRATEG.IX-0016/22 The aim of the project is to develop a comprehensive management system for coal, from the deposit to the end consumer, with a perspective of 2050. Main project ...


Innovation in forestry biomass residue processing: towards circular forestry with added value products (CEforestry)

Innovation in forestry biomass residue processing: towards circular forestry with added value products (CEforestry)

The main goal of the project „Innovation in forestry biomass residue processing: towards circular forestry with added value products” (acronym: CEforestry) is to develop new and innovative ...


Development of an integrated tool based on mathematical programming and machine learning methods to help enterprises optimize the processes of electricity purchase, on-site generation, and electricity storage considering the minimization of cost of electricity as the optimization criterion

Development of an integrated tool based on mathematical programming and machine learning methods to help enterprises optimize the processes of electricity purchase, on-site generation, and electricity storage considering the minimization of cost of electricity as the optimization criterion

PROJECT NR: POIR.01.01.01-00-0709/21 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Because of rising electricity prices, enterprises are making significant efforts to limit the negative impact on their operating costs. ...


Development of an automated tool for supporting driver’s decisions regarding the optimal selection of an electric vehicle charging station using mathematical programming and machine learning

Development of an automated tool for supporting driver’s decisions regarding the optimal selection of an electric vehicle charging station using mathematical programming and machine learning

PROJECT NR: POIR.01.01.01-00-0855/21 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An analysis of the development of the electromobility market in Poland shows that despite the increase in the number of electric vehicles and ...


Novel Procedures and Sustainable Guidelines to Enhance the Use of Alternative Fertilisers (Novafert)

Novel Procedures and Sustainable Guidelines to Enhance the Use of Alternative Fertilisers (Novafert)

The aim of the project is to orientate the production and the application of alternative fertilising products according to the best environmental performances, by establishing methodological ...


Closing local water circuits by recirculation nutrients and water and using them in nature (ReNutriWater)

Closing local water circuits by recirculation nutrients and water and using them in nature (ReNutriWater)

The main goal of the project „ Closing local water circuits by recirculation nutrients and water and using them in nature” (acronym: ReNutriWater) is to reduce the risk of the potentially harmful ...


Physicochemical modification of natural and synthetic zeolites: how does it affect the mechanisms and interactions with elemental mercury in polluted gas stream?

Physicochemical modification of natural and synthetic zeolites: how does it affect the mechanisms and interactions with elemental mercury in polluted gas stream?

Mercury is an element that stands out from the others in the periodic table. It has a number of physicochemical properties that cause significant difficulties in fully understanding the interaction ...


”Optimal management of low-temperature geothermal reservoirs – Polish-Icelandic cooperation on reservoir modelling” (GeoModel)

”Optimal management of low-temperature geothermal reservoirs – Polish-Icelandic cooperation on reservoir modelling” (GeoModel)

In October 2022, the implementation of the pre-defined project ”Optimal management of low-temperature geothermal reservoirs – Polish-Icelandic cooperation on reservoir modelling” (GeoModel) ...


SITRANS – Governance and Social Impact of Coal Regions under Transition

SITRANS – Governance and Social Impact of Coal Regions under Transition

Transitions towards low-carbon energy systems and net-zero economies have started to be comprehensive and demanding, requiring substantial public support, new business models and new governance ...