HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


- international grants national grants selected commercial contracts
- The Division of Economic Geology The Division of Mineral Policy The Division of Mineral Resources Acquisition The Division of Strategic Research The Division of Environmental Studies and Waste Management The Division of Applied Geochemistry and Environmental Engineering The Division of Energy Economics The Division of Fossil Fuels and Energy Market Research The Division of Minerals and Energy Sustainable Development Division of Renewable Energy Sources Division of Renewable Energy Sources The Division of Geodynamics and Environmental Engineering The Division of Geotechnology Division of Biogenic Raw Materials
Okres realizacji: -

Geothermal Synergy: Iceland-Poland Knowledge Exchange (acronym GeoSynergy)

Geothermal Synergy: Iceland-Poland Knowledge Exchange (acronym GeoSynergy)

The project “Geothermal Synergy: Knowledge exchange Iceland-Poland” (GeoSynergy) is co-financed by the Bilateral Cooperation Fund of the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area ...


Secrets of water II

Secrets of water II

Secrets of water II is the 2nd edition of the project, and the goal is to raise water issues on many levels. The overriding assumption of the project is to deepen the recipients’ knowledge of ...


Valorisation and Integration of Extractive Waste Towards the Sustainability of Raw Materials Industry”- ValorWaste

Valorisation and Integration of Extractive Waste Towards the Sustainability of Raw Materials Industry”- ValorWaste

The project is implemented as part of ERA-MIN Joint Transnational Call 2023 on Raw Materials for Sustainable Development and the Circular Economy   The extractive industry has been generating ...


Development and exploration of new generation of ultra-cheap catholytes for solid-state Na-ion batteries

Development and exploration of new generation of ultra-cheap catholytes for solid-state Na-ion batteries

The growing global demand for electrical energy is simultaneously causing a rapid increase in the demand for more efficient energy storage technologies. Among them, the most versatile are ...


Research on solid electrolytes for all-solid-state cells

Research on solid electrolytes for all-solid-state cells

As part of the project, the primary focus will be conducting preliminary research on solid electrolytes for next-generation batteries, which will allow for the identification of optimal thematic ...


Mine of Young Scientists

Mine of Young Scientists

Mine of Young Scientists (KMN) is a nationwide project whose aim is to implement a mentoring and training program for secondary school students, which will popularize scientific achievements and the ...


Pathways for CO-creation between local authorities and collective actions for a SUSTAINable transition

Pathways for CO-creation between local authorities and collective actions for a SUSTAINable transition

In Western democracies, traditional institutional participation is on the decline while non-institutional participation has been increasing. Non-institutional participation for the climate transition ...


DeliSoil – Delivering Soil improvers through improved recycling and processing solutions for food industry residues streams

DeliSoil – Delivering Soil improvers through improved recycling and processing solutions for food industry residues streams

DeliSoil is an EU-funded project that is developing solutions for the processing and recycling of side streams from the food industry while preventing environmental risks. The consortium is working ...


Autonomous management, balancing and highly efficient energy storage system from renewable sources using local energy storage

Autonomous management, balancing and highly efficient energy storage system from renewable sources using local energy storage

PROJECT NR: NTE-I/0009/2021 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The aim of the project is to build a distributed optimization-forecasting-management system (AUTEN) for local energy nodes (LWE), providing energy ...


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