HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


Natural zeolites in V4 countries – analysis of sales market and application

Natural zeolites in V4 countries – analysis of sales market and application

Implementation period: 2021-03-20 - 2022-08-30

Type: International

Division: The Division of Applied Geochemistry and Environmental Engineering

In  March 2021, the implementation of the pre-defined Project: “Natural zeolites in V4 countries – analysis of sales market and application” realized withinframe of Visegrand Fund.

Zeolite is industrial mineral with unique properties. Deposits of natural zeolite are irregularly distributed around the world. Its origin is depend on special geological environment and processes. Region of V4 is significant in the zeolite production. Slovakia is in Top 4 of the world zeolite producers and covers 10-15 % of world production. Hungary also produces the zeolite. Consequently, the supply is higher than demand in natural zeolite market in V4. The potential of broadening of zeolite market in V4 is still large. Looked at the global natural zeolites market the continuous increase in their use is observed. Therefore applied detailed report/case study can be helpful for V4 and companies that their activities are focused on zeolites application and sale.

The aim of the Project:

The main target of the proposal is to increase the interest of the natural zeolite market in V4 countries by preparation of detailed case study for zeolite resources in Slovakia and Hungary. Complemented case study with comparison each properties as well as detailed economic analysis inducing cost-benefit, SWOT and PEST analysis as well as forecast for 10 years. At the moment each zeolite report are too general and refer to mainly to China and USA market. So far no detailed report analysis wasn’t carried out for V4 area. Such elaboration will show potential development in V4 countries at natural zeolite market, in case of positive economic analysis it can increase expand zeolite market for V4 countries and increasing jobs in this industry. Natural zeolites have found many application. It is added during the manufacturing of concrete or as a soil stabilizer. Higher demand for natural zeolites in the agriculture and horticulture end uses is observed (due to ability of natural zeolites to retain water). The detailed analysis of each component i.e. application, resource, export, import, prices will be prepare for each countries. Each partner will focus on own national area.

Consortium implementing the Project:

Project partners :

Project coordinator : 

Expected time of the project webinarium: 28.06.2022

Webinar withinframe of the project – Natural zeolites in V4 countries – analysis of sales market and application
Time 10.00 – 12.00


1. Magdalena Wdowin, Mineral and Energy, Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences – Natural zeolites – Genesis, properties and applications –
2. Peter Uhlik, Universtiy of Bratislava –Zeolite deposits in Slovakia
3. Ferenc Kristály, University of Miskolc – Zeolite deposits in Hungary
4. David Kolousek, Universtiy of Prague – Zeolite market in Czech Republik
5. Justyna Cader, Mineral and Energy, Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences – Zeolite Market in V4 Countries – general information about report
6. Renata Konecza, Mineral and Energy, Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences – Economic analysis of Zeolite market in V4 Countries

Link for fee of charge registration and detail program:

Presentations from webinar

 Presentation 1

 Presentation 2

 Presentation 3

 Presentation 4

 Presentation 5