HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


CE business models in the wastewater sector

CE business models in the wastewater sector

Implementation period: 2022-01-01 - 2022-12-31

Type: International

Division: Division of Biogenic Raw Materials

Development of Circular Business Models to drive implementing of the Circular Economy in water and wastewater sector (acronym CircuWater)

Currently, the US and EU countries are moving from a linear economy to a circular economy (CE), which aims to manage resources and waste more sustainably. Successful implementation of the CE assumptions in individual enterprises requires the use of new business models in line with the assumptions of the CE. Unfortunately, many companies still have problems with their development and implementation, resulting from the lack of sufficient know-how in this area. Therefore, the aim of the CircuWater project is to identify circular economy business models in the water and wastewater sector.
The research results will bring new knowledge in the field of management and environmental engineering, which is especially important in technical sciences focused on industrial applications. The results of the research may help entrepreneurs from the water and wastewater sector in implementing technological and economic solutions (including eco-innovations) aimed at accelerating the transformation towards circular economy in the world.
The project is financed by the Kosciuszko Foundation under the Kosciuszko Foundation Exchange Program to the United States. Project is realised in collaboration with Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, as a part of Fellowship of D.Sc. Marzena Smol, professor of the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, in the academic year 2022/2023.
