HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


Issues of Energy Resources and Energy in the Domestic Economy

Issues of Energy Resources and Energy in the Domestic Economy

The Conference: “Issues of Energy Resources and Energy in the Domestic Economy” is organised by the MEERI PAS and the Committee for Sustainable Mineral Resources Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In addition, the conference is held under the patronage of the Power Engineering Problems Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The conference provides an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas between various engineering, technical, research, and scientific societies interested in primary energy carriers and their industrial use, while minimizing their environmental impact.  The main topics of the conference are: bituminous coal mining in the energy balance of Poland; domestic energy resources and their rational use; fuels for the energy sector: markets and technologies; development trends in the Polish and European fuel and energy sectors; the demand for fuels, electricity, and heat; gas, nuclear, renewable, and dispersed energy; fuel and energy markets; fuel emissions; emissions trading, threats and opportunities of the domestic energy sector.

Division:The Division of Fossil Fuels and Energy Market Research