HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


International Conference – Phosphorus Raw Materials in Visegrad Countries

International Conference – Phosphorus Raw Materials in Visegrad Countries

Dear Colleagues,

We cordially invite you to participate in the International Conference – Phosphorus Raw Materials in Visegrad Countries, which is a summary of the project entitled “How to stay alive in V4? Phosphorus Friends Club builds V4’s resilience” (acronym: PhosV4), which financed by International Visegrad Fund. The aims of the project are to increase knowledge and awareness of importance of phosphorus (P) raw materials for food production in Visegrad Group and build P management strategy in V4 to secure enough P for food production.

Project website:

The Conference will be held on 24th of April 2024 as a hybrid event (on-site and on-line).

The most important objective of the Conference is to present the issue of P scarcity in V4 and ways to prevent the insufficient amount of P in V4’economy (and thus no possibility of producing food in V4) by innovative solutions (technological, environmental, economic and social) that can be implemented under the Circular Economy and Green Deal Strategies.

We invite you to submit presentations addressing the issues of P management in various areas, without limiting them to the Visegrad Group countries, but instead encompassing all aspects related to P raw materials. The Conference program includes both oral and poster presentations in the English language. Submitted abstracts will included in the Conference materials.

Participation in the Conference is free of charge.

Detailed information on the Conference is available on the website:

Financing entity website:


Accompanying event: International Conference Water and Sewage in the Circular Economy Model (CEwater):

 PhosV4_Abstract book

Division:Division of Biogenic Raw Materials