HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska


CONTEST – Packaging of the future – an innovative solution for dairy products – DANONE CONTEST

CONTEST – Packaging of the future – an innovative solution for dairy products – DANONE CONTEST

Dear Customers,


We would like to invite you to participate in the contest organized by DANONE – Packaging of the future – innovative solution for dairy products.

The contest is aimed at students, scientific circles, PhD students, start-ups and NGOs and aims to identify and promote innovative technological and organizational solutions in the dairy products sector. Particular emphasis is placed on concepts in line with the principles of  circular economy, with potential for implementation in the food industry. Submitted solutions should be in line with the principles of sustainable development, and meet at least one of the following criteria:

Designing packaging with easy recycling in mind – using designs and materials that facilitate reprocessing.


Use of recycled materials for packaging design – minimizing the use of primary raw materials by integrating secondary raw materials into the production process. Use of renewable materials (bio-packaging) for packaging design – development and implementation of packaging based on biodegradable and renewable raw materials. The contest provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience between academia, the industrial sector and organizations supporting innovation, contributing to the development and implementation of environmentally friendly strategies in the dairy industry.

The contest is organized within the framework of the event “EUIndTech2025” and the IX conference Innovative ideas of young scientists – science – startup – industry organized by IATI – Institute for Technology and Innovation Highway


Submissions should include ideas or specific solutions in the field of circular packaging that are applicable to food.

The solutions presented in the presentation must include:

The assignment must be submitted in the form of a multimedia presentation (max. 15 slides) and a text description in PDF format not exceeding 4000 characters with spaces.


Persons whose works will be evaluated the highest by the Jury will be invited to present the contest task in the form of a presentation (max. 15 minutes) in front of the Jury during the international conference “EUIndTech2025”, on 03.06.2025 at the Auditorium Maximum in Krakow.



Pre-registration through the application form – until 31.03.2025.

Completion of the description and performance of the contest task – until 10.05.2025.


Terms and conditions available :

 Rules of the contest Packaging of the Future – Innovative Solutions for Dairy Products


Application form:



Division:The Division of Strategic Research