HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Departaments and Divisions

Department of Renewable Energy Sources Development

Head of Department

Bogusław Bielec

Ph.D., Eng. Bogusław Bielec, Senior Expert
Room no.: C 213
Phone: (+48 12) 617-16-39

Przejdź do strony pracownika

Scientific and research activity of the department

The Department of Renewable Energy and Environmental Research offers a wide range of research services in the field of renewable energy sources, with particular emphasis on geothermal energy, environmental protection, waste management, structural analysis and geological mapping.

In the area of renewable energy and geothermal energy, our Institute conducts research related to the assessment of geothermal water potential and technical and economic possibilities of its rational use. The Institute also pursues other aspects from this field, including the use of water resources for energy production, the optimization of energy sources using renewable energy and the use of heat pump systems, solar collectors and PV cells in hybrid systems for electricity and heat generation.

In addition, the department conducts research in the field of environmental risk assessment, taking into account the applicable legal regulations and solutions applied in European countries. What is more, a prominent place is taken by studies on the effective management of municipal and industrial waste. The assessment and forecasting of environmental pollution caused by industrial activities and the possible countermeasures for such phenomena are a special area of interest for our team.

The team is competent in the fields of economic geology, cartography and graphic modelling on small and large scales (2D and 3D). The analyses of geodynamic and geo-ecological phenomena, based on sequential studies and remote retrospection, are carried out. We also specialize in methodological research and non-standard analysis and assessment in relation to land, sensitive objects and energy sources in areas of natural and anthropogenic hazards.

The department conducts a responsible personnel policy based on scientific succession, in which experience and skills are passed on to young research and development employees.


The Department of Renewable Energy and Environmental Research consists of three divisions: