HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Departaments and Divisions

Department of Energy Policy and Markets

Head of Department

Jacek Kamiński

Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Jacek Kamiński,
Room no.: C 309
Phone: (+48)12 617-16-64

Przejdź do strony pracownika

Scientific and research activity of the department

The Department of Energy Policy and Markets offers a wide range of research services in the fields of economics and environmental protection, energy economics and the sustainable development of mineral and energy economy.

In the fields of economics and environmental protection, particular attention is paid to issues related to environmental management, raw material and waste markets, chemical technology, environmental engineering. A special emphasis is placed on the assessment of municipal waste management programs and studies on recycling and low-emission economy. Our projects are focused on issues related to the assessment of the impact of human activities on the environment and waste utilization.

In addition, our team carries out studies on mineral and energy economy and analyses of the impact of environmental policy tools on the acquisition and management of primary energy carriers. We are also competent in modelling complex technical and economic relations in the industry in terms of the production, processing and consumption of energy. We specialize in analyses that require the processing of large amounts of data. For the purposes of scientific research and implementation projects, we also develop optimization models implemented based on appropriate mathematical modelling platforms.

In the field of sustainable development of mineral and energy economy, our team deals with all of the issues related to sustainable development, broadly understood, in the area of mineral resources, raw energy materials and energy. Our studies cover problems related to the use of mineral resources, especially primary energy carriers, renewable energy sources and the issue of effective energy use in everyday human activities.

The department conducts a responsible personnel policy based on scientific succession, in which experience and skills are passed on to young research and development employees.


The Department of Energy Policy and Markets consists of three divisions: