HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Publishing House

Publishing House


Emilia Rydzewska-Smaza

M.Sc. Emilia Rydzewska-Smaza, Senior Expert
Room no.: 402
Phone: (+48 12) 617-16-43

Przejdź do strony pracownika

Who we are

The Publishing House of the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences was established in 1990. Since that time, we have published articles written by the academic staff of the Institute, including monographs, textbooks, publishing series and conference and post-conference material.

We also publish our own scientific journals from the lists of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Articles from journals published by our Publishing House are available for free download at the MEERI PAS website.


Publishing activities

We edit, and prepare for printing, specialized texts from various scientific fields, with special emphasis on the mathematical, physical, natural, technical, legal and economic sciences.

We are a good team with many years of editorial experience. We follow the principles of traditional editing, combining them with modern publishing techniques. We work quickly, efficiently and professionally.

The scope of our services

  • Editorial work (adjustment, editing and proofreading), graphic design of the book and its cover, technical preparation of the publication.
  • Formatting text and tables in Adobe InDesign CS6.
  • Formatting images (photographs, illustrations, charts, etc.).
  • Preparation of materials for printing.
  • Cooperation with the printing house during the preparation of the publication.
  • The printing and binding of the book, while the scope of the work is determined according to the wishes and needs of the client.

Our prices are subject to negotiation.

Graphic and text formats

We accept all graphics and text formats that can be converted using the following programmes:

  • Adobe InDesign CS6
  • Corel 16
  • MS Word


J. Wybickiego 7A
31-261 Kraków, Poland
phone: (+48) 12 617 16 43, 617 16 47