HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Departaments and Divisions

Division of Renewable Energy Sources

Head of Division

Tomasz Mirowski

Ph.D., Eng. Tomasz Mirowski, Assistant professor
Room no.: C 514
Phone: (+48 12) 617-16-44

Przejdź do strony pracownika

Who we are

Who we are

Our Laboratory aims to support the development of a modern bioeconomy, the use of domestic renewable energy resources, raw materials and waste in accordance with the idea of a circuralć economy.

As part of our research offer, we provide professional services for the physicochemical analysis of materials with regard to their energy potential, optimization of the use of organic raw materials and research on the effective use of biomass. We evaluate the feasibility of implementing biomass technologies in selected sectors of the economy.

Our team is ready to assist in process modernization, implementation of innovative solutions and comprehensive customized research.

We optimize the mix of energy raw materials for equipment producing electricity, heat and cold, and implement the developed solutions in process lines in cooperation with technology suppliers.

We encourage you to cooperate and contact us, and check out our profile on LinkedIn!


Scientific and research activity

The Division of Bioenergy Conversion Technology boasts more than 20 years of interdisciplinary experience in areas such as fuel technologies and the energetic use of various raw materials, including industrial, municipal, agricultural and forestry. Thanks to our advanced knowledge and skills, we are able to conduct insightful analyses and interpret research results.

We strive to create innovative solutions that will contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly management of resources through our involvement in research on the use of raw materials. Our mission includes not only advancing theoretical knowledge, but also the practical application of that knowledge to promote sustainable development and environmental protection.

Research and development and service activities

We are a team of specialists interested in participating in research and development projects in the field of bioenergy. We focus on specific areas such as modification and optimization of fuel composition, verification of materials for energy purposes, and improvement of industrial processes.

We encourage you to learn more about our research offerings and to consider working together. We are confident that our experience and commitment will become a constructive contribution to the development of the bioenergy field. Contact us to discuss potential areas of cooperation and the benefits of participating in our research projects.

Our services

Our offer

– Analysis of moisture and volatile parts up to 150°C

– Combustion of samples and determination of inorganic fraction content in a programmable chamber furnace up to 1600°C

– Analysis of elemental composition of fuels – carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur

– Determination of heat of combustion and calorific value by calorimetric method

– Thermogravimetric analysis (TG/DTA/DSC) with coupled FT-IR gas analysis

-Grinding of biomass, solid fuel, waste and plastic samples using knife mills,

– Developments and analyses of markets related to biomass and biomass processing technologies.

– Feasibility studies of biomass projects.

– State of the art and market research related to bioenergy.