D. Sc., Eng. Magdalena Wdowin, Associate Professor
Room no.: 311, C 109
Phone: (+48)12 617-16-57
Cell.: (+48) 607 642 464
Division of Applied Geochemistry and Environmental Engineering is an interdisciplinary team with experience in the fields of geology, mineralogy, applied geochemistry, chemistry and engineering and environmental protection. The division has only existed since 2016, but has already participated in several national and international projects and has published a number of scientific articles in renowned scientific journals.
The main research subject of the division is the use of waste (mainly waste products from energy production) in combating environmental pollution and the practical application of waste products. The main problem is removing pollution, mainly Hg and CO2, from exhaust gases. The studies carried out in the division are also focused on the treatment of wastewater produced in FGD processes from mercury, boron and other pollutants. The scientific achievements of the employees include several dozen publications (JCR list and list B of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education), monographs, chapters in monographs and numerous presentations at national and international meetings.
In recent years, we have implemented several research projects, mainly in the field of CO2 sequestration, the synthesis of zeolites to use them in engineering and environmental protection. We carried out research and development projects focused on the production technology and application directions of new types of materials produced from fly ash and took part in the LIDER programme: The use of energy waste materials to capture gaseous forms of mercury from flue gas.
We currently cooperate with scientific institutions in Poland (Lublin University of Technology, the AGH University of Science and Technology and Silesian University of Technology) and abroad (the University of Nottingham and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, RSA) and domestic and foreign enterprises (SBB Energy and the International Energy Agency), implementing joint research and development projects. In addition, the division carries out projects for external entities among others within the framework of the Małopolska Festival of Innovation and as part of effective resource management.
The division has experience in conducting and interpreting the results of specialized chemical (XRF), mineralogical (XRD, SEM/EDS and IR) and textural analyses. Our experience, competences and knowledge allow us to successfully offer scientific and research and development services, including in particular: