HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Departaments and Divisions

The Department of Circular Economy

Head of Department

Joanna Kulczycka

D. Sc. Joanna Kulczycka, Professor
Room no.: C 311
Phone: (+48)12 632-22-45/618
Cell.: (+48) 605-333-363

Przejdź do strony pracownika

Research topics of the Circular Economy Department conducts a wide range of research and development works as well as research services for the different business entities in the field of broadly understood strategies and methods of implementing the circular economy, environmental research and waste management, as well as applied geochemistry and environmental engineering.
In terms of strategies and methods of implementing the circular economy, in particular, we work over the following research aspects:
• strategies for implementing the circular economy in regions and economic entities,
• evaluation of the plans for regions and business entities’ development,
• assessment of the solutions supporting the reduction of the impact of production processes on the environment considering their entire life cycle:
o environmental analysis in terms of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the Carbon Footprint (CF),
o economic assessment (including the Life Cycle Costs) and risk mitigation methods,
o research on social aspects of planned and implemented projects and corporate social responsibility, and ESG reporting
o analysis of the primary and secondary raw materials market,
• technological analysis with the use of the BAT, and BATNEEC methods.

In the range of environmental research and waste management we conduct in particular the following research problems:
• recognition, research and analysis of the quality of the soil and water environment under anthropopressure conditions with respect to:
o the impact of operating and closed industrial facilities and other polluted places on groundwater, surface water, land and soil,
o monitoring of the waste storage facilities and their polluting parameters,
• waste management issues:
o forecasting and planning municipal and industrial waste management systems and their impact on the environment,
o assessment of the managing municipal and mining wastes in recovery or disposal processes, including for rehabilitation purposes,
o analysis of the production and management of asbestos-containing wastes,

• Closing and rehabilitation of municipal and industrial waste landfills.

In the field of applied geochemistry and environmental engineering, we deal in particular with the following thematic areas:
• Research on selected waste materials in engineering and environmental protection, including the synthesis of zeolite and mesoporous materials from fly ash and other silica carriers, and their use in the treatment of wastewater (e.g. from Hg, NH3) and flue gases (e.g. . with Hg and CO2),
• Development of technologies for the production, storage and hydrogen use for energy production, in particular in respect to zeolites, organometallic structures (MOF) and mesoporous materials in hydrogen storage processes,
• Electric energy storage in Li-ion and Na-ion batteries, including works on new solutions for electrodes used in cells, aimed at improving the key parameters of the reversible cell technology,
• Geochemical analyzes of the processes during CO2 storage processes.

The Department of Circular Economy consists of three divisions:


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