HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Departaments and Divisions

Division of Biogenic Raw Materials

Head of Division

Marzena Smol

D. Sc., Eng. Marzena Smol, Professor
Room no.: C 113
Phone: (+48) 12 617 16 60
Cell.: 695-922-722

Przejdź do strony pracownika

Who we are

Division of Biogenic Raw Materials conducts research in the field of environmental management and engineering as well as biotechnology. A special area of interest are issues related to sustainable and circular management of fertilizer resources (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium) in order to optimize the use of fertilizer components at the local, regional, national and international levels, while limiting the dispersion of fertilizer raw materials that may have a negative impact on the environment.


Scientific and research activity

Scientific and research activities

The Division of Bioenergy Conversion Technology boasts more than 20 years of interdisciplinary experience in areas such as fuel technologies and the energetic use of various raw materials, including industrial, municipal, agricultural and forestry. Thanks to our advanced knowledge and skills, we are able to conduct insightful analyses and interpret research results.

We strive to create innovative solutions that will contribute to more efficient and environmentally friendly management of resources through our involvement in research on the use of raw materials. Our mission includes not only advancing theoretical knowledge, but also the practical application of that knowledge to promote sustainable development and environmental protection.

Research and development and service activities

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Our services

Division of Biogenic Raw Materials performs comprehensive work in the field of:

  • development of recommendations (road maps) for sustainable and circular management of raw materials from primary and secondary sources,
  • development of strategies for preventing food waste at the stages of production and consumption,
  • development of recommendations (road maps) for the implementation of the European Green Deal in the raw materials, water and sewage, fertilizer and agri-food sectors,
  • development of the concept of environmentally safe fertilizers based on model studies on the transfer of phosphates and nitrates to surface waters and soils,
  • identification and evaluation of fertilizer potential in the field of single and multi-component mineral fertilizers produced on the basis of waste (municipal and industrial sewage, sewage sludge, bottom sediments of water reservoirs, soils saturated with nutrients, waste from the agri-food sector and others),
  • assessment of technological, legal, environmental and social aspects of the management of biogenic raw materials,
  • developing strategies to protect waters against contamination with biogenic raw materials from anthropogenic sources and defining directions of counteracting the process of eutrophication,
  • characteristics of new materials (including nanomaterials) that may be used in municipal and industrial wastewater and soils treatment processes.