HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska
HR Excellence in research Unia Europejska

Member of the Academy of Young Scholars PAS – D.Sc. Marzena Smol

Member of the Academy of Young Scholars PAS – D.Sc. Marzena Smol

We are pleased to announce that D.Sc. Marzena Smol, Head of the Division of Biogenic Raw Materials at the Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, became a member of the Academy of Young Scholars of the Polish Academy of Sciences on behalf of the 4th Department of Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. New Members of the Academy of Young Scholars of the Polish Academy of Sciences were elected in the General Assembly of the Polish Academy of Sciences, which took place on December 3, 2021. The ceremony of presenting the nomination by prof. Jerzy Duszyński, the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, took place on December 14, 2021. at the Staszic Palace in Warsaw. The term of office of D.Sc. Marzena Smol, professor of the institute will run for 5 years.

The Academy of Young Scholars was established in 2010 to promote research and development work carried out by outstanding young representatives of Polish science. A person who is under 38 years of age and has at least a doctoral degree may become a member of the Academy of Young Scholars. Candidates should be distinguished by outstanding research achievements and activities promoting science.

Link to Academy of Young Scholars:

 Appointment to AMU PAN – dr hab. Marzena Smol, prof. Institute


Congratulations to D.Sc. Marzena Smol and other selected Members of the Academy of Young Scholars of the Polish Academy of Sciences!